sleeping person

While deep sleep is characterised by low brain activity, brain activity is high during REM sleep, similar to wakefulness. If we wake up in REM sleep, it is very common for us to remember that we were dreaming. But why do we dream? Ferran Martinez-Garcia explains.

The emergence of human dwellings and constructions, including stables, of course, provided an excellent opportunity for the survival of flies during the winter. Joaquín Baixeras explains.
beluga mother and offspring

Did you know that the sounds some whales produce can travel up to 3,000 kilometers across the ocean?

Alcohol is like any other type of drug, except more widespread and accepted. It is important to contextualise the importance of social behaviour in its consumption.
Photo: Andrew Ebrahim / Unsplash

Fernando González Candelas, Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Valencia, explains how the virus affects children.
color iris ojos

María Violeta Gómez Vicente, PhD in biochemistry and professor at the Department of Optics, Pharmacology, and Anatomy of the University of Alacant writes about the phenomenon of heterochromia.

Alberto Tinaut, biologist specialised in the study of ants, explains the secrets of these winged insects.
Leap Years

2020 will have an extra day, but what is the origin of this leap year? Amelia Ortiz-Gil, PhD in astrophysics and disseminator for the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, answers.
life expectancy

How long will humans live in the future? Humans as a species are programmed to live over 100 years, and are even considered to be capable of living up to 120 years.
aurores boreals

Auroras originate in the Sun. The star continuously emits particles which, when solar activity is high, reach the Earth's atmosphere in the form of large bursts of solar wind.
Cinema amb olors

A principis del segle XX, va començar a sorgir la idea d’un «cinema amb olors». Malgrat els nombrosos intents de portar els olors a les pel·lícules, aquests no van acabar de funcionar  perquè la mida de les sales provocava que les olors es perderen o no donaren efecte al moment desitjat.

Both insects and reptiles moult. However, there are some differences between both groups. Professor Jesús Selfa Arlandis explains.

L’al·lèrgia és una patologia clínica que pateixen alguns individus i que es desenvolupen front a molècules inofensives (és a dir, que no són tòxiques ni infeccioses) anomenades al·lèrgens. L’al·lergen provoca una resposta immunitària de l’organisme, que és l’autèntica causant dels danys i la simptomatologia de l’al·lèrgia.
Chernobyl disaster

In the early hours of 26 April 1986, the operators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were preparing to check the safety systems of the plant.
human genome

Coding DNA is that which contains the genes that produce protein within the genome, while non-coding DNA can be formed by genes that produce different types of RNA, but they do not translate into proteins.

El que observem des de la Terra és la llum ens arriba de punts de l’Univers tan distants a nosaltres que han necessitat tot aquest temps per arribar.

In human beings, it is very difficult to discern what is learned and what is innate in our behaviour. Despite this, the rejection most human adults feel from snakes might be an instinct inherited from our ancestors.

In Mediterranean ecosystems, fires are quite frequent naturally and generate large open spaces ideal for the germination and growth of many Mediterranean plants

When a material gets wet, we see it with a darker colour. Professor Inmaculada Pascual Villalobos explains why.
mar blava

When a large quantity of water is observed, as happens in the sea, we notice a blue color that can vary depending on the mass of water we are observing. Do you know why?
A couple of Magellanic penguins. / EzPzPics

Homosexual behaviour has always been considered a paradox from an evolutionary point of view because it does not produce offspring, but there are nuances to this.

The mechanism that produces white hair is not well known. It is very likely, although not definitely proven, due to the oxidation of melanin caused by the aging of the hair follicle cells.

There are numerous causes for eye redness, and many of them are not serious. Begoña Domenech Amigot, professor of the Department of Optics, Pharmacology, and Anatomy of the University of Alacant, explains.

JORGE OLCINA answers: Clouds are formed by condensation of air vapour in the atmosphere. Despite their simple, smooth and generally graceful appearance and their varied shapes as suspended bodies in the

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