illustr mahiques emotions science

What do you feel when you think about science?

What do you feel when you thnk about science? There are people who feel nothing at all and so they prefer other readings. I imagine that you will have many different ones, but which is the most prevalent, the one that weighs most heavily?

paediatrics vaccine

Ending vaccination

High vaccine coverage is encountering an unexpected obstacle. Recent evidence suggests that anti-vaccination attitudes and concerns are infecting some communities' health care workers.

Photo: Concha Molina

The scam of pseudoscience, under Mètode’s magnifying glass

«Pseudosciences are by-products of the prestige of science as a social enterprise and as a means of obtaining knowledge. Their character is inherently negative, given that, by definition, a pseudoscience is an intellectual fraud». Thus begins monograph 95 of Mètode, coordinated by Angelo Fasce.


Little bugs for the little buggers

The main reason for the increase in measles outbreaks and other viral and bacterial diseases in Europe has been the result of the opposition to vaccination.


The future of health communication

The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization reminds us that «Informed opinion and active cooperation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people» (Grad, 2002). Nonetheless, nearly seven decades later,

zombis sóc llegenda

Scientific ethos and the cinematic zombie outbreak

This article examines the figure of the scientist in such fictional narratives and what these characterizations indicate about public attitudes toward science in our contemporary world.


The case of diphtheria in Olot, a vaccine against anti-vaccinationists

Aki Hänninen / SINC At the end of May, alarms went off: one boy in Olot was diagnosed with diphtheria. It is the first Spanish case in 28 years and the first in Catalonia in 32 years. «Currently it

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Cows, Vaccines and Vaccinations

According to the dictionary, vaccination is the administration of vaccines prepared with microbes (attenuated or dead), or parts of microbes, for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. Vaccines provide specific and active immunity against certain future or recent infections. Vaccination has been a major contribution to health,


Vaccines and evolution

From the perspective of public health intervention, there is no better weapon than one which can prevent disease transmission or onset. Within the field of infectious diseases, vaccines have become the weapon that can control many of them.