monstres invisibles

The Wakefield scandal

Eleven authors published an article in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet suggesting an apparent link between the MMR vaccine and the onset of autism. This news bomb led to the Wakefield scandal.


Is an HIV vaccine possible?

Since the late 1920s, a number of HIV vaccine strategies have been discarded, but research continues with phase I vaccine prototypes.


Boosting vaccination

Communication research can reinforce vaccination uptake, a key public health tool, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mètode 114 One health: un món, una salut

Introduction: One health, one world

Although a One Health perspective has, in one way or another, been around at least since the time of Hippocrates, the term itself was coined by William Karesh in a 2003 The Washington Post article. Since that time, the concept has been discussed, applied, and


Omicron, a more contagious, yet milder variant?

FISABIO researcher Alma Bracho and doctor and researcher Salvador Macip analyse what we know about the omicron coronavirus variant.


2021: Pandemic, vaccines, and variants

COVID-19 has been the focus of media information. In this compilation, we collect a series of articles that have helped us reflect on the pandemic.


First line of defence

Poliomyelitis cases have increased globally in the last year. The oral polio vaccine is very effective and acts on the first line of defence.

vaccine immunity

Do people who have passed COVID-19 have more immunity than vaccinated people?

If the disease is defeated, immunity is more comprehensive, but less potent. It is therefore recommended that at least one dose of the vaccine be administered to people who have had the disease.


Vaccination rate

Ferran Martin's scientific cartoon talks about «vaccination rate».

Lukas souza - Plane Covid 19

A pandemic summer (again)

The author reminds us that we are going into a pandemic summer and the situation will remain for a long time. We must be optimist, but remain cautious.