How to be a critical but reasonable debater

Discourse about pseudoscience usually accompanies dialogue about science. Despite attempts to separate the two domains, people still rely on pseudoscientific remedies.


The appeal-to-nature fallacy

This article reviews the basics of EU regulations on organic food production and concludes that, for the most part, they mislead the consumer and are not science based.


Pseudoscience and bad science in biomedicine

Pseudoscience (false science) and science based on faulty and biased studies (bad science) produce false or uncertain knowledge, with poor or no evidence.


Dismantling the rhetoric of alternative medicine

Alternative medicine has a high social prevalence, being promoted by well organized groups that have developed an intricate rhetoric in order to self-justify in the absence of evidence. This article will analyse some of these arguments, some of their fallacies, other styles of reasoning, and other misconceptions of scientific concepts.


From creationism to economics

Both the scientific and philosophical problems with classic pseudosciences such as astrology and creationism are well known. Most fields of inquiry have controversial areas that inspire suspicions of systematic intellectual malpractice.


Whence pseudoscience?

This paper develops an epidemiological approach to account for the typical features and popularity of pseudoscience and discuss several factors that promote the dissemination of pseudoscientific beliefs.

Marxa canvi climàtic

How connected are the major forms of irrationality?

Science is a fact-finding practice, but there are many other fact-finding practices that apply largely the same patterns of reasoning in order to achieve as reliable information as possible in empirical issues.