Glòria Sánchez

Analysing pathogens in wastewater

I am Glòria Sánchez, researcher at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technologies (CSIC) in Valencia and principal investigator of the Environmental Virology and Food Safety Group. Our group works with food-borne pathogens and we have three lines of research. On the one hand, we


To make it clear

Epidemiological surveillance of viruses based on wastewater is a very useful tool for studying diseases, as is the case with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


A peaking virus

While it would be unwise to consider SARS-CoV-2 as evolutionarily exhausted, it is beginning to struggle to find new evolutionary improvements.

pandemic predictions

Why is it difficult to predict the evolution of the pandemic reliably?

Answered by Anabel Forte, professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Valencia, explains why it is so difficult to make reliable predictions about the pandemic.


Why has the virus spread so rapidly across Europe in recent months?

The virus has spread again in the different populations because we have lowered our protective measures, when we should have maintained them for a much longer period.


Vaccines against COVID-19

Vaccine development takes a long time, often more than fifteen years. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has accelerated the process in record time. This race has only just begun and there is much to be learned in the near future.

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Diet-disease relationships

Nutritional epidemiology currently studies the diet-disease relationships. In this review, we analyse the impact of diet on health and the importance of dietary factors in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

pandemia multitud persones ciutat

The keys to a preventable pandemic

Most probably, the current coronavirus1 pandemic represents the uncertain epilogue of an epidemiological period marked by the renewed prominence of the infectious disease in the last decades of the twentieth century


Whence pseudoscience?

This paper develops an epidemiological approach to account for the typical features and popularity of pseudoscience and discuss several factors that promote the dissemination of pseudoscientific beliefs.

persones metro estadística medicina

Symptoms, signs and statistics

Experimental determination or detection of the physiological mechanisms underlying disease is by and large a highly complex task. This fact has turned epidemiology into the main tool for generating knowledge in the medical field.