Fernando Sapiña
Institute of Materials Science. Scientific Park of the University of Valencia (Spain).

Hi ha molts factors que intervenen en la nostra percepció dels aliments. En el cas del vi, primer tenim el color.

Picking unripe tomatoes may be good for producers, but poses a problem for consumers.

For centuries, humans have considered the way in which we sense smell. We obtained the answer to this question mainly in the last twenty years. Naturally, the answer is still incomplete: recent discoveries keep opening new fascinating questions.

Given its importance, it is not surprising that through evolution we have developed a system to detect the presence of salt, a system that is incorporated into the sense of taste

There is a new flavour in the kitchen: the umami, named by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda when he discobered a new teste different from the four basics already known: sour, sweet, salty and bitter.

[caption id="attachment_368" align="alignleft" width="350"] The lotus effect. The self-cleaning properties of leaves of diffe-rent plant species are based on their superhydrophobic character. Water is


Nanoscience, nanotechnology. Nowadays, nanotechnoscience is one of the most promising areas in terms of potential social and economic transformation. Nano-objects, nanomaterials, nanotubes. New functional materials


Carotenoids belong to a group of pigments that are responsible for the yellow and orange hues in many flowers, fruits and vegetables, as well as for the red hue in tomatoes.