Cinema amb olors

Will we someday have cinema with smells?

A principis del segle XX, va començar a sorgir la idea d’un «cinema amb olors». Malgrat els nombrosos intents de portar els olors a les pel·lícules, aquests no van acabar de funcionar  perquè la mida de les sales provocava que les olors es perderen o no donaren efecte al moment desitjat.


Neurons: more is not better

For a correct functioning of the brain, it is essential that the number of neurons is the appropriate one: neither more nor less.


¿The unbreakable illusion? Neuroscience and free will

Mr. Smith is an exemplary citizen: a caring father, a loving husband and a respected doctor, always eager to help fellow humans.

Photo: Concha Molina

The scam of pseudoscience, under Mètode’s magnifying glass

«Pseudosciences are by-products of the prestige of science as a social enterprise and as a means of obtaining knowledge. Their character is inherently negative, given that, by definition, a pseudoscience is an intellectual fraud». Thus begins monograph 95 of Mètode, coordinated by Angelo Fasce.


Unravelling science

Mètode Science Studies Journal publishes the 2017 annual review, under the title Unravelling science. The seventh issue of this English language publication focuses on the secrets of neuroscience, the connection between science and ideology, science from a gender perspective, and twenty-first century astrophysics and cosmology,


The role of the brain in financial decisions

How do decision-making processes affect brain activity? What role do emotions play on finances?

Rudolf Nieuwenhuys

Rudolf Nieuwenhuys

Rudolf Nieuwenhuys is a worldwide eminence in the field of Neuroanatomy. He has a formal education as a medical doctor, but his view is not at all anthropocentric and he has always been fascinated by the great diversity of forms found in the brain of


From metaphor to action

Review of the latest contributions to embodied cognition theories that provide a new approach to human cognition.


Architect genes of the brain

The brain of modern humans is the result of the evolution of a building plan (Bauplan) that began its design 500 hundred millions years ago. This evolutionary scenario provides the basis for studies that seek to understand what is «conserved» and what is «new» between different vertebrates.


Naturalist Sacks

The disappearance of Oliver Sacks on 30 August 2015 marked the end of an era. His final farewell represented the loss of a great figure, an immensely influential voice truncated.