In dreams, the area responsible for higher cognitive tasks is inhibited, which contributes to the appearance of fantasies.
Throughout evolution, sexually reproducing animals have used the process of beauty recognition to maximise their attractiveness to the opposite sex.
Science never ceases to show us fresh glances at new universes (literal or figurative), and Ferran Martín's The eyedropper takes a look at them as well.
Associating feelings of pleasure with dopamine us a common mistake. The process involves many other elements. Humans permanently seek pleasure and the continuous generation of expectations, surprise, and desire.
A recent study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B suggests that emotional empathy may be a key component of grandmaternal responses to their grandchildren.
Everything we learn is stored in the brain with connections between neurons, which we call «neural plasticity». It is most pronounced in childhood and gradually decreases with age.
Stories prepare our minds for what is to come. Dreams are a sort of training process for the development and consolidation of neural architecture.
Can the application of neuroscience to education be studied while maintaining every aspect of the scientific method used in neuroscience? Or, even more simply, can neuroscience be applied to education?
What kind of sign is a rhinoceros footprint? It is an index, an iconic representation, and can become a symbolic image. A whole world condensed into a single footprint.