`Mètode SSJ 2021

Science’s structure

'Science's structure' focuses on the creation of a sustainable and local model of society to deal with the consequences of climate change and our hyperglobalised world.


Shades of science

2020's volume focuses on the challenges of science, forensic sciences, the involvement of the scientific community in Nazism, and the different evolutionary scenarios that help us understand biodiversity.


The most popular 2019 interviews

We want to say goodbye to 2019 collecting the most popular interviews of the year in our website.


Nature’s «endless forms» featured in the new Mètode monograph

The fourth volume of 2019 explores the crossroads between current biodiversity and evolution on Earth.


‘Science and Nazism’, the new Mètode monograph

The third volume published by Mètode in 2019 sheds light on the involvement of science in the policies of the Third Reich.


Submit your scientific doubts to the «Your whys and wherefores» contest

The exhibition «Mètode: 100 volumes of science» offers to the visitors the chance to participate in the contest «Your whys and wherefores», which will draw five annual subscriptions to the journal (only in Spanish or Catalan).


The grounds of science

The yearly journal of 2019 focuses on the need for better and more extensive communication of biotechnology and its advancements, biodiversity as a dynamic concept, and the relations between machines and humans in the twenty-first century.


The challenge of disseminating science

Since Mètode's first issue appeared in 1992, the journal has become a benchmark within the publications devoted to the communication and dissemination of science.

Maxwell Boykoff at La Nau - 28 February 2019

Humour and creativity to communicate climate change

Maxwell Boykoff discusses the keys to innovative and effective scientific communication with his lecture at the La Nau Cultural Centre on 28 February.


Mètode reaches 100 issues with ‘The challenges of science’

What challenges are awaiting science in the short and medium term, in technical, social and even ethical terms?