Pseudoscience (false science) and science based on faulty and biased studies (bad science) produce false or uncertain knowledge, with poor or no evidence.
Literature constitutes an important educational element that can improve the doctor-patient relationship because it facilitates better understanding of illnesses.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal was also the author of some very important scientific and biographical work as well as his Vacation stories. Five science fiction tales, a collection of five short stories with an educational purpose.
Long before the first successful transplants were performed on humans, some writers had already written about them in fiction. Literature can contribute to the ethical and social debate surrounding transplants.
Neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 1986. She was member of the United States National Academy of Sciences and Goodwill Ambassador of the (FAO), and she created a foundation to help African women and girls to study.
Women remained invisible in health sciences until the late twentieth century because they were not included in the cohorts used in researched studies. Thanks to the work done by different groups of feminist researchers, we were able to visualise the need to change those paradigms.
Venereal diseases were a heavy burden in the early twentieth century. Syphilis was the paradigm of physical and psychological degeneration, the destroyer of family and society, and the syphilitic individual was the subject of eugenic strategies: isolation, sterilisation and, in extreme cases, extermination. In the early
Recognising our reflection in a mirror is fundamental to everyone, although, rather than being something which is automatic from birth, it is something we learn as part of a process, just like many other things throughout our life. There are changes, injuries, accidents which might
La recerca ha de poder discriminar els veritables efectes dels tractaments d’aquells atribuïbles a la natura mateixa o a l’efecte placebo.
L'única manera d'explicar l'estrany cas del guaiac és recórrer a la campanya de publicitat que va promoure la família Fugger per a fomentar-ne l'ús.