Interview with Leo van Bergen, historian and military-medical expert, on the occasion of the centenary of Armistice Day, which marked the end of World War I.
The active ingredient of curare, a poison used by the Amazon tribes, became for years a vital drug in surgery and to treat illnesses that involved muscle pains and contractions.
Katherine Johnson was born on 26 August 1918 and was the first woman of NASA's Research Division to be credited as the author of a report.
We live in a rapidly transforming world. Social reality moves, nature moves, the cosmos moves and human beings move as well, but we do so not only across our biography and physical dimension, but also in ideas and values. This process is so fast that
Recent gender analyses have been opening new paths for innovation and excellence. They are the basis for the Gendered Innovations project. However, this work did not come out of nowhere; it is supported by decades of gender and science studies.
Venereal diseases were a heavy burden in the early twentieth century. Syphilis was the paradigm of physical and psychological degeneration, the destroyer of family and society, and the syphilitic individual was the subject of eugenic strategies: isolation, sterilisation and, in extreme cases, extermination. In the early
In the eighteenth century, the metre, its multiples and decimal submultiples cornered the cumbersome use of sexagesimal systems, still valid until then.
L'única manera d'explicar l'estrany cas del guaiac és recórrer a la campanya de publicitat que va promoure la família Fugger per a fomentar-ne l'ús.
Urey and Miller recognized that the overall chemical processes that take place on the surface of the Earth involved three general components: energy, the atmosphere, and the oceans.
The concept of an RNA world is a hypothesis firmly rooted in empirical data and is part of a long and complex scientific perspective that goes back more than fifty years to the discovery of the central role RNA.