cuidados padrazos jacana

Great dads

Biparental care is observed in less than 10 % of mammals and are often associated to monogamous relationships or immature offspring.

Angela Saini

Interview with Angela Saini

Interview with Angela Saini, scientific journalist (United Kingdom) and author of the book Inferior (2017).


Thou shalt not take the name of biology in vain

Biology has been and still is used to justify discriminatory practices against groups of people, but reality is always more passionately complex than the dualistic human logic is willing to accept.


Why can birds without sexual dimorphism distinguish between males and females?

When we talk about species without sexual dimorphism, we should complete the sentence with a small note: species without a sort of sexual dimorphism that we can detect.


Gender research from multiple disciplines

Genre Egalité et Mixité is a interdisciplinary research group on gender in education, created at the University of Lyon, that explores this issue along three axes: teacher training, scientific research, and the creation of a specialised library. Coming from several disciplines, its researchers have different profiles and consequently, different conceptions of feminism, making the team unique.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Science from women’s lives. Better science?

Recent gender analyses have been opening new paths for innovation and excellence. They are the basis for the Gendered Innovations project. However, this work did not come out of nowhere; it is supported by decades of gender and science studies.  


An open path for gender equality in research

The institutionalisation of equality policy in science should facilitate progress towards equality in a space that wants to consider itself merit (and ability) driven.

Cordelia Fine

Interview with Cordelia Fine

New arguments for old stereotypes. That’s how professor Cordelia Fine describes «neurosexism», a term referring to the use of neuroscience to justify traditional gender role models, models that do not include the stereotype of the female scientist. That might somewhat explain the poor presence of