
To what extent do pseudosciences affect teachers?

In this text we examine the degree of acceptance of these beliefs in high-school science teachers-in-training, among which significant levels of acceptance of pseudoscience have been detected.


Living with low vision

The documentary presented by Patty Bonet allows the public tu step into her skin – or rather her eyes – since the images we see reflect the visual impairment of a person with type OCA4 albinism.


Interview with David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough’s (London, 1926) passion for his work, televising nature, has not faded one bit after over half a century travelling round the world.

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Scientific Expeditions Aired on the Andalusian TV Channel: Adventure and Determination

Scientists need to popularise their work and the social utility of it. Journalists, on the other hand, are in need of news, discoveries, adventures, titanic efforts, mysteries...

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In Pursuit of TV Screening

In Spain, the only programmes devoted to information on the environment are broadcast on public television channels. Private channels do not spend a minute on environmental slots.

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From the Ecologists’ Struggle to a Global Priority

The ecologists’ struggle of the early sixties marked the origins of environmental journalism of today. Little by little, the environment has become a priority issue for the media.