Science at the service of the humanities

New Metode monograph

Nou número de la revista Mètode sobre humanitats digitals

Issue 122 of Metode analyses the role of data science and artificial intelligence in the study and research of the humanities. Coordinated by Teresa Ferrer Valls, Principal Investigator at DICAT (a pioneering group in digital humanities research), the journal’s central monograph reflects on the impact of new technologies in this discipline. As the Professor of Spanish Studies at the University of Valencia points out, «digital tools offer new ways to provide answers based on a volume of information and a capacity for association between data that would be impossible to achieve by traditional means and in such a short space of time». The various articles in this monograph thus introduce us to some of the possibilities that the partnership between these disciplines has opened up, while at the same time inviting us to reflect critically on the challenges we face, such as the obsolescence of research tools or the preservation of data.

The monograph includes contributions from José Calvo Tello, Cristina Portalés, Mar Gaitán, Jorge Sebastián, Ester Alba, Marcos Fernández, Thomas Brochhagen and Juan-Luis Suárez, as well as the participation of the artist Pasqual Gomes, whose collages provide a perfect counterpoint to the subject matter.


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