virus names

A matter of virus names

The WHO published recommendations on how to name new infectious diseases to avoid stigmatising a country, community, or economic sector.

diana proteases

Coronavirus proteases: a priority target in the search for antivirals

Despite all the achievements in such a short period of time, we must stress that obtaining a drug capable of inhibiting any of the proteases in SARS-CoV-2, or any other pathogenic agent, is a long and complex process that requires the participation of different branches of science.

cover trump pandemics management

«We didn’t know…»

The problem with the handling of COVID-19 in the United States has been more political than public health-related. When a country has a president who «didn’t know» and thought that «most people didn’t know» that the flu can kill people, what can be expected in terms of the handling of a pandemic?

Ciutat Vella, the old town of Valencia, empty

Confinement and lifestyle behaviours: how have our routines changed?

An international study coordinated by Vicent Balanzá, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Valencia, tries to learn more about the impact of confinement measures in the healthy lifestyle behaviours of the citizens, to plan post-pandemic health recommendations in the best possible way.

coronavirus black swans

Coronavirus, black swans, and grey rhinos

Although the coronavirus is a microbe, the author uses two animal analogies to explain the sudden and unexpected (or otherwise) appearance of phenomena such as COVID-19, but also other «unexpected» disasters of an economic, social, or political nature.

pandemia multitud persones ciutat

The keys to a preventable pandemic

Most probably, the current coronavirus1 pandemic represents the uncertain epilogue of an epidemiological period marked by the renewed prominence of the infectious disease in the last decades of the twentieth century

mistakes covid19 airport

Learning from our mistakes

Next time we could be facing an even deadlier virus than SARS-CoV-2. Now is the perfect time to start working.