Portada del número 120 de Mètode sobre ciència recreativa

The fascinating world of recreational science in the new Mètode monograph

Mètode monograph 120 explores recreational science as a playful way of popularising science and engaging the public's curiosity.

Geoturisme a les illes Columbretes (Castelló). / Marc Boada

Recreational science in nature

This article reflects on outdoor recreational science and its relationship with teaching, scientific dissemination, collecting, and geological tourism.


A passion for chemistry

Recreational chemistry allows us to visualise and participate in practical experiences that are not always easily accessible, but it is important that it does not obscure the scientific knowledge that we want to transmit.

Infants experimentant amb un pèndol de Newton

A brief history of recreational physics

One way to stimulate interest in physics is to expose people to experiences that arouse their curiosity and lead them to seek explanations for phenomena.

Pieces of Science

Pieces of science

Volume 14 of this English-language publication brings together the monographs published in 2023 on topics as diverse as scientific and nature photography, dinosaurs, primates and storytelling in science.

Francesc Mesquita

Researching aquatic invertebrates

Francesc Mesquita works at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, where he carries out research on aquatic invertebrates as indicators of water quality and evolutionary aspects.

Els articles més llegits de Mètode

The most read articles of 2023

As the year draws to a close, we at Mètode have compiled the ten most read articles of 2023. We hope you enjoy reading them and thank you for your continued support!

Julio Sanjua

Let science be told

The plan to find a general definition of storytelling looked simple. Slightly unexpected problem, though… the simple, almost universal definition of storytelling was not found.


Vertical science

Review of the changes in the way science is presented to audiences through the new narratives offered by social networks.

Jane Godall

Introduction: Science through stories

This monograph provides new points of view on the role of stories in shaping scientific thought, and on the way in which this resource communicates science.