This article reviews the basics of EU regulations on organic food production and concludes that, for the most part, they mislead the consumer and are not science based.
Good medical practice is always linked to scientific evidence. In line with this axiom, the public health administration, as the responsible party and guarantor of the right to health, is required to combat practices that violate this inalienable principle.
Alternative medicine has a high social prevalence, being promoted by well organized groups that have developed an intricate rhetoric in order to self-justify in the absence of evidence. This article will analyse some of these arguments, some of their fallacies, other styles of reasoning, and other misconceptions of scientific concepts.
We live in an age of contradictions. It might well be the age we land on Mars, rule over our own DNA, or fuse two atoms to recreate a star. Alas, it is also the age of Trump, climate change denial, or the spending of millions of euros on pseudosciences such as homeopathy.