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Introduction: Everything is chemistry

Learning to transform matter – whether by cooking food or turning minerals into materials for making tools – has been key to the development of human societies. Everything we are and do is in some way chemistry. In the Age of Enlightenment, with the lucid


On the road to nuclear fusion energy

Nuclear fusion energy has great advantages. The latest discoveries in this field made by the National Ignition Facility in the United States have great scientific significance.

Energia nuclear

The nuclear mirage

Global warming lustfully feeds the desires and proposals of those who, as if in a mirage, see nuclear energy as a solution.


The magic barbecue (part 1)

The next time you find yourself near a barbecue, try to pay attention to what you see. It is a fascinating scientific process.

green energy

Green energy

This week, the European Commission has declared nuclear energy to be "green energy", together with gas.

space tourism

Space energy

Is space tourism compatible with the energy transition? A comic reflection by Ferran Martin and his Eyedropper.

Text - food and population increase

Will science feed us all?

These are just a few examples of how an increase in the generation of energy and food, per se, might not address the needs of the population which is in fact still growing.


The energy crossroads

Energy is the blood that moves today’s society and is one of the factors that has decisively contributed to improving humanity’s quality of life. This paper addresses the potential challenges and opportunities in the development of global energy systems, emphasising how deeply interconnected the energy and climate debates are.


Science and the challenges of our time

Adults and older people have most likely always wondered how the young will manage to survive in the world they are left with, and at this point in history, this is a central question in our debates. In order to resolve it, we must resort to one of the main tools we have devised to try to understand the world we live in, the one we call science.


A mysterious universe

Understanding the nature of the main constituents of the universe is crucial to obtain a precise description of the way in which it reached its present state.