Ester Desfilis

Serra Húnter Associate Professor of Psychobiology of the Department of Experimental Medicine of the University of Lleida (Spain) and member of the «Brain Development and Evolution» Research Group of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida). Her research career focuses on the study of animal behaviour and its biological basis, especially on the relationships between brain, behaviour and evolution.


For a long time it was considered that emotions were mere physiological responses, basic processes, phylogenetically ancient, where the origin of «primitive» behaviour lies.


Oxytocin promotes both positive and negative social emotions depending on context, sex, previous experience of the subject and personality.
The Science of King Solomon’s Ring

According to legend, King Solomon possessed a magic seal ring that endowed him with the ability to speak to animals, which made him wise


The first migration led some groups away from the African continent to colonize the rest of the planet and, ever since, geographical displacement of individuals or groups has remained constant throughout history (despite the restrictions currently imposed by border-control policies).


En les darreres dues dècades els avenços de la neurociència han estat espectaculars i cada vegada som més a prop d'entendre el llenguatge del nostre cervell. Això és així gràcies als avenços tècnics i metodològics, però sobretot a nous enfocaments en els dissenys experimentals. Els avenços en el coneixement sobre el funcionament bàsic del cervell estan guiant el desenvolupament d'eines terapèutiques cada vegada més sofisticades per curar o almenys alleujar els símptomes de malalties neurològiques i trastorns psiquiàtrics. No obstant això, aquests avenços no estan exempts de riscos i comporten dilemes ètics als quals la societat ha de donar resposta.
Introduction: the Brain Challenge

2012 is The Year of Neuroscience in Spain. This is a field that has seen great advances in the last