Mandra  - Sociofolcologia


Lucretian inductions, Galilean evidence or Darwinian deductions were attacks against mental laziness, which is more powerful than any dogma can be. Ideological reasons do not explain human resistance to change. Basically, they tend to sloth.

Post Feature Image

Carles Puche

Journalist Carme Puche shares one of the many conversations she had with her father Carles Puche, scientific illustrator, about the importance of drawing science.


Facing the mirror

Dues malalties com el càncer i la sida han reactivat la creació contemporània entorn de la malaltia en l'últim quart del segle passat. Dues afeccions maleïdes i sense guariment definitiu, que estan socialment farcides de tabús i metàfores. estigmatitzadores.