In various species of animals, females exhibit marked preferences for individuals with relatively rare ornaments.
The debate about the perception of beauty by non-human animals has no simple answer. This article analyses the relationship between natural selection and aesthetic criteria.
Documentary text on how chromosomal inversions in natural populations of the species Drosophila subobscura are good indicators of climate change and can help us to study how organisms adapt to it.
A slow yet extremely reflexive writer We have to recognise it: without Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), Darwin may have never published The Origin of Species. Retired in his house in Down, near London, Darwin puzzled over the problem of the formation of species since he came
[caption id="attachment_1705" align="alignleft" width="200"] © J. Wagensberg[/caption] Some ideas are born and germinate in the mind but remain there, under contemplation, never making it out into the world to be tested. A few days ago, in a technology museum, I stood in front of an exhibit