Extraterrestrial signals

The year 2020 ended with a potential detection by the Breakthrough Listen project of an artificial signal coming from Proxima Centauri. But there was no indication of structure or modulation in the signal, no evidence that it carried any information.


Life on Venus

Fernando Ballesteros discusses the discovery of phosphine on Venus and other historical hypotheses regarding signs of life on other planets.

Perseverance rover

Extraterrestrial pandemics

Can an extraterrestrial organism produce a catastrophic pandemic on our planet? Such a question arises every time we consider bringing samples from other worlds in the Solar System, especially now, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Otherworldly seas

One of the current hotspots in astrobiology is the search for water in exoplanets. We all seem to share the idea that water is essential for the existence of life, and even the assumption that water and life are almost synonymous.

Recreation of the Trappist-1 system

Looking for life beyond Neptune

Before using conditionals and speculating, we need to set some bases. Let us start with the most basic: what is an exoplanet?


Interview with Jack Szostak

Interview with Jack Szostak, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009, along with the molecular biology experts Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider.


Interview with Ricardo Amils

When you hear an expression with such poetic connotations like «the limits of life», it is likely that the last thing that comes to our minds are the microorganisms that live in the depths of Lake Vostok (Antarctica) or in the acidic waters of Rio

tunel alienígenes

Alien Invasion

There are times when a story is so striking that the written article emerges unasked. In my case that particular news-story has been a catastrophist pronouncement by Stephen Hawking, stating that we should at all costs avoid contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, because this contact would


Music to share with the stars

You probably remember Steven Spielberg's 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind in which, in a memorable final scene, humans communicate with aliens with music, specially with that well known "D E C C G" melody that would be later hummed by everyone.