Although humans' irresponsible and indiscriminate use of the natural environment could be one of the causes behind the recent coronavirus crisis, bats have been targeted for their role as natural reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens.
Every historical period has had its epidemic executioner, and it has almost always been the ecological changes between human communities and the environment that have caused changes in pathogenicity and epidemic diseases.
The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization reminds us that «Informed opinion and active cooperation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people» (Grad, 2002). Nonetheless, nearly seven decades later,
The tragedy of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was exacerbated by World Health Organization (WHO) rhetoric that depicted medical personnel as saviors of an irrational and emotional public.
Íngrid Lafita PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia since 1995, Santiago F. Elena knows viruses up close. His research focuses on the study of the mechanisms that generate and maintain the enormous genetic diversity of microorganisms
Hospital Carlos III The first human Ebola contagion outside of Africa, detected in the nurse Teresa Romero in the Carlos III Hospital in Madrid, led to a scare concerning a possible outbreak un Spain. But the first cases