Ferrran Martin refers to Gravitational Wave Astronomy following the first observation of a binary system of a black hole and a neutron star.
The discovery has immediately been connected with the potential presence of life on Venus; on Earth, this gas is generated by microbian and human activity. The research team, however, remains cautious.
Cultural accumulation changes what we are and what we do from one generation to the next and, as far as scientific knowledge is concerned, changes occur so quickly that we tend to imagine them as distant theories or very recent developments.
The dye industry was the first far-reaching business sector to be born directly from a scientific discovery. A circumstance that would prove key to making developed nations aware of the implications and start stimulating research.
Every journey, even the most trivial, has an element of discovery, both in terms of discovering the outside world and the traveller’s self-discovery. For some travellers, however, discovery is the very purpose of their journey, and history has witnessed their widely ranging objectives, ingenuity and deeds.