Every historical period has had its epidemic executioner, and it has almost always been the ecological changes between human communities and the environment that have caused changes in pathogenicity and epidemic diseases.
Neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 1986. She was member of the United States National Academy of Sciences and Goodwill Ambassador of the (FAO), and she created a foundation to help African women and girls to study.
Women have been traditionally excluded from the public sphere – education, politics, art and culture – and confined to the domestic sphere. This situation has experimented a slow steady change in different areas since the late modern period. A more liberal society has allowed the progressive incorporation of women to public life.
Venereal diseases were a heavy burden in the early twentieth century. Syphilis was the paradigm of physical
and psychological degeneration, the destroyer of family and
The human body is a cultural construct, the convergence point of all kinds of cultural elements: scientific, artistic, and religious. If classical natural philosophies
Promoter of an International Epidemiology Service and World Documentation Centre for Public Health, Rajchman’s indefatigable activism for global health deserves the recognition he never received.