Pau Carazo at his office at the University of Valencia.

Understanding diversity through sexual selection

In this new Science Space, we visit the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, where Pau Carazo studies the evolution of behaviour and sexual selection.


Why can birds without sexual dimorphism distinguish between males and females?

When we talk about species without sexual dimorphism, we should complete the sentence with a small note: species without a sort of sexual dimorphism that we can detect.


Saint George and the Dragon

Ancient Greece is the birthplace of western culture, in political organization and philosophy, mathematics or natural history. But even such popular stories as the legend of Saint George, who seems genuinely Catalan, could have originated in Greek mythology. [caption id="attachment_15035" align="alignleft" width="200"] Andromeda freed by Perseus,


A Living Fossil in Our Wildlife

The curious and primitive aspect of Triops is certainly noteworthy. In fact, it has been under consideration by zoologists for a long time. If we compared fossils with currently living members of the species, we would not be able to tell the difference. These fossils