Tourism-oriented animal abuse, geared towards the search for snapshots of «wild» animals, has increased in recent years.
Valencia's importance in the old Silk Road has helped the city to become a participant in the UNWTO Silk Road Programme, an initiative that joins territories and research projects from Japan to Portugal. Experts take the opportunity to remember and promote Valencian landscape and historical and artistic heritage.
This paper investigates the cross-border migration of North European retirees to the Costa Blanca and its influence on the urban expansion of resorts. We also discuss the reasons for these migrations, which are mainly related to climate and lifestyle.
© Vicenç M. RossellóCala d'Or (Mallorca). The wave of tourism-driven urban development that hit the Balearic Islands from the mid-twentieth century on has greatly transformed the islands’ seashore. The nooks and crannies where Blai Bonet’s «coral and wheat1» used