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Introduction: Willpower hijacked

Surely, we all know someone close to us who uses drugs. Consider, for example, tobacco or alcohol, or even marijuana. They may at some point have tried to stop using and, after somewhat longer or shorter periods of abstinence, have started using again. Not every drug

puesto frutas nutrición

Disentangling nutrition facts from fiction

There is a widespread misconception, mainly due to perverse agnogenic practices, that nutrition is hard and confusing, that we do not really know what to eat and that health professionals cannot agree.

tobacco and health

Tobacco and health

The present article reviews the role of the media in the dissemination of tobacco-related information and the evolution in tobacco control policies that the approach has caused.


Beyond genetics

El càncer és un dels problemes sanitaris més importants dels països occidentals, donada l'alta incidència i elevada mortalitat que té. En aquest article ens ocuparem dels factors externs capaços d'induir el desenvolupament d'un càncer: agents químics, físics i biològics.