Citizenship and social transformation

Climate change has been at the centre of the environmental debate for three decades. The fight needs an innovative approach based on citizen politics and social transformation.

consulta sobre comunciació científica

Citizen consultations on science communication

We analyse the international CONCISE project that studies, through public consultations on science communication, the way in which society is involved in citizen science, a discipline that is becoming more and more widespread.

citizen science

Citizen science enters the scene in the new Mètode monograph

Volume 108 of the journal explores the role of citizen science and the construction of scientific knowledge.

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Introduction: Citizen Science

In the past decade, scientific research that relies on the collaboration of citizens has grown exponentially.


Digital futures

The following reflections are based on the premise that individual and social life is open to a number of possibilities, among which we can find digitalisation.


Biodiversity in the city, a necessary challenge?

Laura Villoria Parc de la Rambleta, in the San Marcelino neighbourhood in Valencia, is a reference for the conservation of local biodiversity. The climate change, pollution, deforestation or the loss of biodiversity are phenomena that have, for some time, been taken into account in the preparation of