Dr. Hans Beutelspacher toyed with monstrous behaviour during World War II, before returning just as effortlessly to his «human» and even benevolent state, later developing a prominent career in the field of soil biochemistry.
Open call for papers on the philosophical roots and alleged scientific bases of Nazism. Deadline for submission: 12 February 2024.
We speak with British author and journalist Angela Saini about her latest book, Superior: the return of race science.
Poland would become the laboratory for an inhumane colonisation plan, the Generalplan Ost, which involved replacement of the non-Aryan population with Germanic farmers.
The concept of «blood and soil» as a historical determinant could be found in Termer’s work ten years before the Nazis used it as their state’s official ideology.
In a Germany with widespread and growing anti-Semitism, and later with the rise of Nazism, Albert Einstein’s physics faced hostility and was attacked on racial grounds.
Academic life in Vienna was hit harder by National Socialism than anywhere else in Germany, due to the high numbers of scientists of Jewish origins.
Scientists supported Nazi ideologies and policies in many ways
This monograph seeks precisely to show the level of involvement of the German academic world with Nazi postulates.
The third volume published by Mètode in 2019 sheds light on the involvement of science in the policies of the Third Reich.