Mètode collects Fernando Sapiña's articles from Science at the table in a new volume of the collection «Monografies Mètode» edited by Juli Peretó.
On April, 25, at 7 p.m., the auditorium of the Botanic Garden of the University of Valencia will hold the launch event of the book Herbari. Viure amb les plantes. The event will have the presence of Daniel
Xavier Bellés —head of the Institute for Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) in Barcelona— talked with us on the occasion of the launching of the book he adapted to contemporary Catalan, Bestiari.
The book collection «Monografies Mètode» is a great doorway to science. Highly informative and beautifully illustrated, this collection opens up new perspectives and provides in-depth understanding of characters who played a part in the history of science like Einstein, Valencian naturalists, or Charles Darwin. Other