Why does the fall speed of a body (attracted by gravity) not depend on its mass?

When a body descends in air or another fluid, what determines its acceleration is the gravitational force minus the friction, not its mass.



There is no way to force a pendulum to oscillate at a different rhythm, determined exclusively by its length

illustr palletes estiu

Straws are for the summer

Using simple materials like plastic bottles, straws, modelling clay, and syringes you can witness many interesting phenomena relating to air and water pressure.

Illustration syracuse

The bathing man from Syracuse

The historian of science Alexander Koyrè summarised the scientific work of the sixteenth century as a gradual understanding of the works of Archimedes.

illustration large hugo salais sling

Not just the Moon and a sling

Probably of Paleolithic origin and present since the first civilisations, the sling is ancient and ubiquitous not only as a weapon, but also as the paradigm of circular movement.

Telescopio Galileo

Galileo and the Telescope

Galileo and the Telescope. Knowing and Seeing.The astronomical discoveries made by Galileo using the telescope transformed astronomy. Galileo presented them as clear evidence of the Copernican theory. However, proponents of traditional Christianised cosmology attacked him