Mathematics: Challenges of the millennium

Call for papers



The call for submissions for the Mètode Science Studies Journal monograph «Mathematics: Challenges of the millennium» is open until 15 November.

As is well-known, mathematical advances are the result of solving interesting mathematical problems. Sometimes these problems become challenges; we could recall the classical problems of ruler and compass constructions, which were proved to be impossible. There are other cases worthy of note, such as the problem of the brachistochrone, which was posed by Johann Bernoulli and led to the birth of the calculus of variations, as well as the prize of King Oscar II won by Henri Poincaré, whose solution lies in the origin of Chaos Theory. One of the most influential challenges was presented by David Hilbert in the International Congress of Mathematicians held on 1900. His collection of difficult problems guided much of the mathematical research of the twentieth century. With the new century, new sets of problems have appeared, the most famous being the one announced by the Clay Mathematics Institute on 2000. It consists of seven problems, called the millennium problems, and anyone who solves any of them will receive $1 million. The proposal is based on important classic questions whose solution has put up a fight for many years, and which cover different branches of our discipline.

Mètode SSJ is preparing a special issue to introduce those problems to a wider audience: «Mathematics: Challenges of the millenium». A call for contributing papers by experts on the field is now open. Those interested in submitting informative papers on one of the millennium problems (focusing on its statement, its history or the applications that its solution would bring) are encouraged to participate. The deadline for the submission of originals is 15 November, 2016.

Submission Instructions

Deadline: 2016, 1 November
Languagers: English, Catalan and Spanish
Limit: 16,000 – 20,000 characters including spaces. For more information, see Author guidelines.

Mètode Science Studies Journal is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIH Plus and Latindex, among other.

All submissions should be made online through the Mètode Science Studies Journal Open Journal System site. New users should first create an account here (Users of the University of Valencia have to register the username and password of their UV account). If you already have a username and password for Mètode Science Studies Journal, you can log in here.
Queries: [email protected]

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