Dare to take on the new challenge proposed by Chantal Ferrer for «Free fall», related to gravity and our perception of weight.
Discovering an Earth-bound object is not the same as avoiding it. For the latter, early detection is crucial. The author considers that we can have an effective space defence system.
The Eyedropper plays with the idea of the Christmas star and the light that allows us to perceive actual stars.
At the moment, a manned mission to Proxima Centauri involves a number of problems and challenges that we are still unable to solve.
Ferran Martin takes a look at artificial satellites orbiting our planet.
The year 2020 ended with a potential detection by the Breakthrough Listen project of an artificial signal coming from Proxima Centauri. But there was no indication of structure or modulation in the signal, no evidence that it carried any information.
The street lights prevent us from gazing at their wonders and phenomena of the night sky.
In space, there is not a medium to transmit sound, so the battles going on in space would not be heard.
This section of Mètode is now twenty years old. To celebrate it, I retrieve a topic I talked about in issue 34: planetary nebulae.
We seem to be living a sweet moment for manned exploration missions to Mars. There are several projects underway, both by private companies and space agencies, which aim to be the first to put a human being on Mars. Does this mean that we are now going to make the ancient dream of stepping on Mars come true?