Global warming lustfully feeds the desires and proposals of those who, as if in a mirage, see nuclear energy as a solution.
This week, the European Commission has declared nuclear energy to be "green energy", together with gas.
The eyedropper, by Ferran Martín, reflects on the anniversary of the Fukushima disaster with a cartoon.
In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, citizens used various radiation measurement instruments. This article explores how the study of these devices can contribute to the understanding of citizen science.
In the early hours of 26 April 1986, the operators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were preparing to check the safety systems of the plant.
The universe at large is dominated on the one hand side by gravity and on the other by weakly interacting particles. The identity of dark matter remains an unresolved mystery of the universe. Meanwhile neutrinos have matured from their status as ghost particles to distinctly visible messengers for some of the most intriguing astrophysical phenomena.
ABSTRACT At the beginning of the atomic age, Francoist Spain launched an expensive project to develop, research and use nuclear energy. Scientists, the military and high-ranking officials in the administration mobilised to materialise a technoscientific dream with an international scope. The modernity of nuclear science
Una ciutat on no hi ha res. On l'absència de persones, activitat i vida són les protagonistes. El record i les runes del que va ser una civilització són pràcticament l'única cosa que queda de Txernòbil.
© Fernando Morant Vicent Martínez Sancho fou el primer físic que escrigué una obra sobre física en català. Vicent Martínez Sancho (Simat de la Valldigna, 1943) has been teaching Physics at Universitat de València for more than forty years, attached to the Theoretical Physics department. Although
The study reported here sets out to explore the different ideological stances taken by several Spanish newspapers and the opinions proffered, to see whether there was scientific debate about nuclear energy in the popular Spanish press.