Energia nuclear

The nuclear mirage

Global warming lustfully feeds the desires and proposals of those who, as if in a mirage, see nuclear energy as a solution.

vaccine immunity

Do people who have passed COVID-19 have more immunity than vaccinated people?

If the disease is defeated, immunity is more comprehensive, but less potent. It is therefore recommended that at least one dose of the vaccine be administered to people who have had the disease.

coronavirus fake news

A coronavirus and fake news pandemic

Most of the fake news that circulated on the web before this pandemic concerned health and became far more widespread than the real news. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has escalated with the global COVID-19 crisis.

mistakes covid19 airport

Learning from our mistakes

Next time we could be facing an even deadlier virus than SARS-CoV-2. Now is the perfect time to start working.

march for climate

Are we in a climate emergency?

We are indeed in an emergency. Let there be no doubt about that. But if there is one thing that is even more paralysing than not accepting the situation we are in, it is saying that our house is on fire and then calmly keep watching television.


Study, Imagination and Disposition against the Crisis

Study is not enough without imagination, and study and imagination together are not enough without natural disposition. J. W. Goethe The International Year of Forests was celebrated in 2011; however –unfortunately– the following of this event was somewhat erratic. The University of Valencia worked really actively on the event,