Why does the fall speed of a body (attracted by gravity) not depend on its mass?

When a body descends in air or another fluid, what determines its acceleration is the gravitational force minus the friction, not its mass.


Vacuum-packed, please

In the 17th century, it was difficult to achieve and maintain a partial vacuum. In the 21st century, the challenge is to achieve an ultra-vacuum in the laboratory such as we could never have dreamed of.



There is no way to force a pendulum to oscillate at a different rhythm, determined exclusively by its length


‘Steamboy’ and the philosophy of science

In the West, our idea of animated cinema is very much influenced by the work of Walt Disney. In Japan, the animated film tradition (anime) is very different. Complicated plots that are often not clearly targeted at a child or adult audience and ambiguous characters. Eastern animated cinema can even dare to make a film speculating on the philosophy of science.