Our section «Mètode’s Whys and Wherefores» has been one of the most dynamic in our website these last few months. A lot of readers are interested in the most everyday and recreational facet of science, as more than 500 questions sent from all over the world prove. From all the questions received, 24 have been selected to be answered in a brief and simple way by experts on the matter. Following this text, you can find the 5 answers with the highest number of visits in our website, to encourage you to participate in this section next year. Remember you can send your scientific questions to [email protected]. If your question is chosen and published, you will receive an «Annual Review», a collection of the main and most outstanding articles published in the journal. |
Why do men have nipples? Question sent by Alonso Sánchez Polo. Pau Carazo, Marie Curie researcher at the Department of Zoology at Oxord University, answers. |
Does Water Spiral Down Drains in Opposite Directions Depending on Hemispheres? Question sent by Coco Bross (Buenos Aires). Josep Ros, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Valencia, answers. |
Why do they say it is healthy to drink a glass of wine a day? Question asked by Tomàs Ferrer (Castelló). Luis Torres, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, School of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, answers. |
Why do scorpions «commit suicide» when surrounded by fire? Question asked by Víctor Marqués (Valencia). Albert Masó, Biologist, Professor and Nature Photographer (Barcelona), answers. |
Why is yawning contagious? Question asked by Rocío Ros (València). Lydia Giménez-Llort, Doctor in Biological Sciences, professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience researcher at the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) answers. |