Science and Media Put to the Test

© Anna Sanchis

The relationship between science and the press is the main focus of the workshop Mètode is organising, which is to be held between September 25 and 27, 2013 at the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP).  Science and the Press: Challenges and Trends in Popular Science Communication on the Written Press will pay close attention to the effects of the crisis on science communication and new formats as well as the new opportunities available thanks to the Internet and social networks.

The workshop has gathered scholars and professionals from different fields of science communication to deal with different topics regarding the scientific community, its presence in the written media and the different strategies involved in the popularisation of science.

The conferences will count on the participation of researchers from the field of science communication such as Hans Peter Peters, Susanna Priest, or Dominique Brossard, as well as with science journalists linked to specialised publications like Luc Allemand from La Recherche, Patricia Fernández from Lis (Materia), Miguel Ángel Sabadell from Muy Interesante or Esperanza García Molina from Agencia SINC; or from Spanish broadsheets like Pablo Jáuregui from El Mundo or Pilar Perla from Heraldo de Aragón.

By means of different conferences and round table discussions, the congress intends to encourage reflection on the challenges science communication poses nowadays, and aims at bringing journalists and scientists closer to each other, enabling them to share their experiences and points of view.

Information and enrolment

You can find the programme, information on the registration process and available discounts in UIMP Valencia.

© Mètode 2013.



«The congress intends to encourage reflection on the challenges science communication poses nowadays, and aims at bringing journalists and scientists closer to each other»

© Mètode 2013