Communicating health. Opportunities and challenges in health communication is the title of the seminar organised by Mètode and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, which will take place from 6 to 8 October 2015 in the Valencian branch of the UIMP (Palacio de Pineda, Plaza del Carmen, 4) and will try to analyse all the communicative strategies to inform and contribute to the development and upkeep of individual and collective health. Good communication is essential in the promotion of health. Understanding these communicative processes, reflecting on the role of the media in this field and analysing the more and more active Internet and social networks presence of patients are the objectives of the seminar Communicating health. To this end, the seminar will have the contribution of recognised journalists, health professionals and health communication researchers such as Scott C. Ratzan, Director of Journal of Health Communication; Anna Veiga, Director of the Stem Cell Bank at the Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona; Milagros Pérez Oliva, National Journalism Award of the Generalitat de Catalunya; Esteve Fernández, President of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and Director of the Tobacco Control Unit of the Catalan Institute of Oncology; Jaime Prats, Head of Communication of the Conselleria de Sanitat; María Martínez Lorman, Social Media Manager of Nisa Hospitals, and Clive Seale, Professor of Sociology and Communication de Sociología y Comunicación at Brunel University London, among others. The seminar is aimed at anyone interested in health communication, especially at journalists, health professionals, university students and researchers. INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION You can find the programme and further registration information, as well as reductions, in the UIMP Valencia website. The first twenty-five people who register will receive a free annual subscription to Mètode Science Studies Journal, which will include an issue devoted to health communication. All the participants will receive a certificate if they attend over 85% of the sessions, and the activity can be recognised as free elective credits. © Mètode, 2015. |
«The seminar is aimed at anyone interested in health communication, especially at journalists, health professionals, university students and researchers» |