■ Blogs in catalan
Daniel Closa’s blog, Doctor in Biology, CSIC researcher and writer
El buit del temps
Juli Peretó’s blog, Doctor in Biochemistry and Researcher at Institut Cavanilles (University of Valencia)
El bloc d’Eudald Carbonell
Eudald Carbonell’s blog, who is an anthropologist, archeologist and paleontologists and currently the director of the Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution Institute of Catalonia (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social-IPHES)
El kid científic
Popular science blog for secondary education students
Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social
Blog of the activities carried out by the IPHES
ICP Blog
Blog of the Institute of Paleonthology of Catalonia (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
La lectora corrent
Mercè Piqueras’ blog, biologist, science writer and president of the Scientific Communication Association of Catalonia
Menuda Natura
Blog that shows in detail the particularities of the natural world around us
Everyday science for everyday life
Pols d’estels
Enric Marco’s blog, researcher at the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department of the University of Valencia
Blog of the popular science programme broadcasted in TV3 (Public Television of Catalonia)
■ Blogs in spanish
Blog of the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication where many scientific writer participate
Apuntes científicos desde el MIT
Pere Estupinyà’s blog, a blog written by chemist, biochemist and scientific journalist for the online version of El País
Blogs Madri+d
List of blogs provided by Madri+d
Ciencia en el XXI
Eugenio Manuel Fernández Aguilar’s blog, a physicists and science writer
Ciencia Kanija
Manuel Hermán’s blog, a science writer
Ciencia para jóvenes
A blog made by the teacher Santiago Amado Señarís, of 4th of ESO from the Amor de Dios School in Oviedo
Antonio Ruiz de Elvira’s blog, professor of Applied Physics, who writes for the online edition of El Mundo.
Blog of the astronomer Javier Armentia, who writes for the online edition of El Mundo
De cero a ciencia
Blog of Tercer Milenio, the El Heraldo de Aragón science supplement
Eduard Punset
Eduard Punset’s personal blog
Física en la Ciencia Ficción
Blog of the Physics professor Sergio L. Palacio, devoted to the popularisation of Physics through science fiction
Blog directed by Sergio Parra, writer and journalist
Gravedad Cero
Blog managed by the scientific journalist Carlo Ferri and Roger Oliva, from the European Space Agency (ESA)
La ciencia de tu vida
Personal blog of Miguel Ángel Sabadell, doctor in Theoretical Physics and popular science writer
La ciencia es la única notícia Interesting popular science blog of Público, an online newspapers, inactive at the moment but available as an archive for research
La revolución naturalista
Popular science blog published by Eduardo Robredo Zugasti, phllospher and science writer
Microsiervos A blog on the popularisation of science, technology and company
Por la boca muere el pez
Javier Armentia’s personal blog, astronomerand director of the Pamplona Planetarium
The New Blog Times
José Pardina’s personal blog, editor in chief of Muy Interesante magazine
Blog written by the naturalist and writer Joaquín Araújo for the online version of El Mundo
Tito Eliatron Dixit
Mathematics blog managed by José A. Prado-Bassas, Mathematics professor at the University of Seville
Usted no se lo cree
Blog on climate change and energy shortage
■ Blogs in english
Cosmic Variance
Discover magazine’s popular science blog managed the physicists Daniel Holz, Joanne Hewett, Jonh Conway, Julianne Dalcanton, Mark Trodden, Risa Wechsler i Sean Carroll
Philip Ball’s blog, a writer and doctor in Physical Sciences from London, where he tries to show the links between science and culture
Panda’s Thumb
Blog that shows critical positions against Creationism and intelligent design. Managed by different authors
Paul Z. Myers’s personal blog. Biologist, specialised in evolution, from the University of Minnesota.
Real Climate
Blog dealing with climate change
The Frontal Cortex
Jonah Lehrer’s personal blog, scientist and publisher