Martí Domínguez
Editor-in-chief of Mètode.
The science of the press

Communicating science effectively and rigorously is still one of the many challenges facing scientists and researchers today. Indeed, in the current context it is more important than ever to involve society in the work undertaken at universities and research centres.


Anna Sanchis During last week, the Science and the Press seminar took place in the UIMP. It was


S'observa un seguiment desigual del Dia Mundial del Càncer als diaris analitzats, amb notícies sovint encapçalades per titulars sensacionalistes. Un altre perill que s'hi adverteix és la confusió entre informació i publicitat.
Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño

We thought it would be interesting to invite Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño to this interview to discuss the origins of festivals, their links with seasonal cycles, even the biological background that may exist in many facets of festivals. This reunion of the «mentor» and the «disciple» is also cause for celebration.

Darwin caricature

Charles Darwin has become the icon of modern biology, and the celebrations held in 2009 contributed to a growth of this perception in public opinion. This article is a review of Darwin as a symbol of modern biology through cartoons and graphic humour.


The study reported here sets out to explore the different ideological stances taken by several Spanish newspapers and the opinions proffered, to see whether there was scientific debate about nuclear energy in the popular Spanish press.
Pedro Carrasco

Pedro Carrasco Sorlí is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Valencia, a position handed down to him from the current Vice-Chancellor, Professor

Hivernacle Down

Charles Darwin has been, without doubt, one of the most transcendental scientists of all times. Nevertheless, some researchers have objected that his work is based more on the collection of data taken from other sources than fruit of his own research.