Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño

Interview with Antonio Ariño and Joan Francesc Mira

We thought it would be interesting to invite Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño to this interview to discuss the origins of festivals, their links with seasonal cycles, even the biological background that may exist in many facets of festivals. This reunion of the «mentor» and the «disciple» is also cause for celebration.

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Calendar Festivals

Els dos modes bàsics d’elaboració de calendaris, el de dies assenyalats i el de cicles estacionals o mensuals, els mostren com una sèrie de codificacions que revelen una concepció qualitativa del temps, i ambdós són formes institucionalitzades.

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Muixeranga: a Long Journey

© Antonio Ariño I seem to recall my first memories of the Muixeranga1 were set in the street Molí de la Vila, just where it crosses the Capella, in Algemesí. As night fell, amid a blaze of candles, a


The Festive Gene

  To trace the evolutionary origins of festive celebrations as specific forms of ritualistic interactions, we will pinpoint the repertoire of festive activities (playing, singing, dancing, music making