Marxa canvi climàtic

How connected are the major forms of irrationality?

Science is a fact-finding practice, but there are many other fact-finding practices that apply largely the same patterns of reasoning in order to achieve as reliable information as possible in empirical issues.


The scam of pseudoscience

Pseudosciences are by-products of the prestige of science as a social enterprise and as a means of obtaining knowledge. Their character is inherently negative, given that, by definition, a pseudoscience is an intellectual fraud consisting of products, practices, or ideas unconnected with scientific rationality that

Photo: Concha Molina

The scam of pseudoscience, under Mètode’s magnifying glass

«Pseudosciences are by-products of the prestige of science as a social enterprise and as a means of obtaining knowledge. Their character is inherently negative, given that, by definition, a pseudoscience is an intellectual fraud». Thus begins monograph 95 of Mètode, coordinated by Angelo Fasce.


The strange case of guaiacwood

L'única manera d'explicar l'estrany cas del guaiac és recórrer a la campanya de publicitat que va promoure la família Fugger per a fomentar-ne l'ús.

Michel Maffesoli

Interview with Michel Maffesoli

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Michel Maffesoli (Graissessac, France - 1944) leaves no one indifferent. Accustomed to stirring up controversy in his country, the sociologist of postmodernity known for spreading the concept of «urban tribes» has just published Homo eroticus. Des communions émotionnelles (2012), in which he discusses his theory