In her latest book, L'homme préhistorique est aussi une femme, the prehistorian Marylène Patou-Mathis delved right into the clichés and stereotypes about prehistoric women.
We cannot assume that our Palaeolithic ancestors possessed cognitive capacities typical of the modern mind.
Sentences string words together to express universes of related concepts. That is why it is so important to always use the right term to evoke the concept clearly and accurately.
Anatomically modern humans represent an evolutionary, biological, and cultural synthesis of our genus. Genetics has helped us to discover and compare a multitude of hybridisations among the populations that lived and coexisted with Homo sapiens out of Africa.
At the beginning of April, Altamira premiered on the big screen. The Spanish blockbuster tells us the story about Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola and how he found out the Cantabrian cave. Antonio Banderas plays the main role. The films tries to recapture the debate