Foods that are rich in fats and sugars are pleasurable because they stimulate our reward circuits, the same circuits that are activated by drugs. In a context in which unhealthy diets and drug abuse are common from adolescence, it is important to investigate their consequences.
An epidemic like the one we have unfortunately experienced can bring out people's worst fears. Cinema and literature have successfully used fear to write scripts in which an epidemic is the heart of the story or the underlying excuse.
Alice goes on a journey during which peculiar characters tell her what to eat or drink. Then, strange things happen. Doesn't all this seem like a drug-induced psychedelic journey?
The evolution of antibiotic resistance is probably the most spectacular example of evolution of a biological system innovation that we have had the opportunity to observe in real time.
La recerca ha de poder discriminar els veritables efectes dels tractaments d’aquells atribuïbles a la natura mateixa o a l’efecte placebo.
We are becoming more vulnerable. The feeling of general uncertainty comes from the fact that we live through several crises at the same time. In a world dominated by consumerism and self-interest, health has also become a consumer product. The wellness industry offers shortcuts to
Man’s production of antibiotics has led to disease in microbial ecosystems on a planetary scale. The most immediate impact for man is the intractability of infections.
Numerous drugs with analgesic effect can be used to treat pain. Opioids are effective for moderate to severe pain, while nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and especially paracetamol (acetaminophen) are useful to treat mild or even moderate pain. Analgesics should be used according to guidelines, and users should be aware of their adverse effects, avoiding them whenever possible, and steering clear of overuse.