'Punica granatum' en fruit

Madame Davit: Enjoying nature

Suzanne Davit introduced numerous innovations in botanical illustration, which were interpreted as an alternative artistic discourse to the dominant patriarchal dialogue and a manifestation of the female touch.


Can plants have cancer?

The answer to this is yes. Plants can reproduce errors in the growth of some cells, which would cause the formation of cell masses or tumours that could be considered cancers.


Apart from the air carnation, are there any other plants living in such extreme conditions?

Question asked by MARÍA JOSÉ ESTAY OSSES. We speak with JESÚS RIERA: The answer is yes. The air carnation belongs to the genus Tillandsia. Most plants from this genus can live on top of others without actually touching the ground. This type of plants are called

basil mosquito repllent

Why does basil repel mosquitoes?

Popular lore has transmitted the use of basil as a mosquito repellent to avoid their bite. Why this plant repel mosquitoes?


Post-War Botany

Between 1716 and 1717, Joan Salvador i Riera, an apothecary from Barcelona and Antoine de Jussieu, a professor of botany at Le Jardin du Roi in Paris, travelled the roads of Spain and Portugal, sometime by calash, sometimes on mule back, to make «botanical observations». This article provides a brief overview of the Salvador family and a glimpse of the journey made by these two naturalists.

Valencian peanut

The Valencian peanut

The Valencian peanut is a very particular species. In these article, we review some of these particularities, which we must take into account to grow it in our orchard.

Lady’s slipper

A Mythical Flower

Rare and funny, Lady’s slipper (or Cuckoo’s slipper) is good at playing hide and seek. From the eighteenth century it appeared in botanical publications to then vanish into a long silence denying its existence in the Pyrenees.

Vegetable gardens

Vegetable Gardens in the Pyrenees

Family orchards and vegetable plots in the Catalan Pyrenees play a key role in conservation and management of biodiversity and preservation of traditional knowledge. They also help enhance social cohesion and welfare while, at the same time, affirming cultural identity.

traditional knowledge about plants

«Abans que es pins facin magranes i ses figueres melons»*

The main goal of the study presented here is to compile traditional knowledge about plants in Formentera and Mallorca, with a focus on medicinal and food uses, before it is too late and such knowledge is lost.

survival cuisine

Mediterranean Survival Cuisine

The habit of gathering leaves, flowers, roots, fruits of wild plants and mushrooms for cooking traditional dishes is dying out in parts of Alicante, although in other –mostly rural– areas these traditional recipes are still in use. Ethnobotanical studies conducted in the province of Valencia identify more than 110 wild species used as food.