Beloved Botany
Ethnobotany, a Science of People and Plants
Jesús Purroy
Study, Imagination and Disposition against the Crisis
Esteban Morcillo
The Fishermen from El Palmar
José Manuel Almerich Iborra
Beloved Botany
Joan Vallès
Protecting Biodiversity
Antoni Aguilella
Mediterranean Survival Cuisine
Concepción Obón de Castro, Mª Luz Lorenzo Gutiérrez, Vanessa Martínez Francés, Diego Rivera Núñez, Daniel Climent Giner and Segundo Ríos
«Abans que es pins facin magranes i ses figueres melons»*
Esperança Carrió, Maria Mayans and Joan Vallès
Vegetable Gardens in the Pyrenees
Joan Vallès, Teresa Garnatje, Laura Calvet-Mir, Montse Parada, Montse Rigat and Victoria Reyes-García
A Mythical Flower
Raphaële Garreta
The outbreak of all unruly outbreaks
Carles Puche, Ricard Guerrero and Mercè Berlanga
Is there anybody who never cried while chopping onions?
Josep Roselló Oltra