«Science needs to be communicated, and in this communication, what and how inevitably go hand in hand. Rhetoric is fundamental in the scientific inception and in communication.» These are the first words in the latest issue of Mètode, «Word of science». The monograph is coordinated by Vicent Salvador, Full Professor of Catalan Studies at the Universitat Jaume I. «The language of science, dazzle for a long time by the formalization of logic, discovers, among other pragmatic realities, the power of metaphor of the value of the conceptual inaccuracy as a tool for discovery», he claims. Some of the collaborators for this issue are Sebastià Serrano (University of Barcelona), who takes us on a tour of paradoxes; Leah Ceccarelli (University of Washington), who explains how the identity of the scientist is portrayed in zombie films; Dominique Maingueneau (Paris-Sorbonne University), who focuses on the language used for the international production of knowledge; Celeste Condit (University of Georgia), with an analysis of the discourse of the WHO during the recent Ebola epidemic; Tomás Albadalejo (Autonomous University of Madrid), who analyzes discourse elements in a text by Santiago Ramón y Cajal; and, finally, Evelyn Fox Keller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) delves on the complexity of continuously reviewing concepts in the field of genetics. The monograph ends with an interview with the American linguist George Lakoff. We have also had a contribution by Pedro Salinas, who takes us into the conversation between art, science, emotion and rationality with the series «The rhetorics of blue». Issue 86 of Mètode contains also interviews with Caterina Biscari, director of the ALBA Synchrotron, and with Daniel C. Dennett, co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University (USA). You will also find the article «A vindication of ethnobotany», by Juan Vallés and Teresa Garnatje, and «Genetically Modified Crops 2.0», by Maria Josep Picó. © Mètode 2015. |