Ferran Martín

Ferran Martín reminds us that science always makes a good gift.
digital pollution

Digital pollution is invisible, but its impact on the environment is significant. This week's cartoon by Ferran Martín takes a look at it.
Empatia avis

A recent study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B suggests that emotional empathy may be a key component of grandmaternal responses to their grandchildren.
climate change conferences

Ferran Martin takes a look at past, present, and future climate change conferences.
Lucy mission

Last Saturday, NASA launched the Lucy probe to study the Trojan asteroids in Jupiter's orbit, which are expected to provide key data on the development of our Solar System.
complex systems

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics has recognised the work in the study of complex systems in nature, but Ferran Martin looks at other complex systems in his particular look at this week's news.
volcanic eruption

The informative coverage of La Palma's volcanic eruption viewed by Ferran Martin and its Eyedropper.
light pollution

This is the time to enjoy meteor showers... if you are lucky enough to be far away from any city and their light pollution.
space tourism

Is space tourism compatible with the energy transition? A comic reflection by Ferran Martin and his Eyedropper.

Due to the climate change, seasonal differences in temperatures have become wider, and extreme weather events are becoming  more common.